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Unable to attach to \\servername\utility partition

Not applicable
I am running Backup Exec 9.1 SP1 on Server 2003. I am receiving the following error for 2 of the remote servers that I backup:
unable to attach to \\\utility partition.
After looking through the helpfile, I understand that I shouldn't even have Utility Partition in my selection of these servers, but I don't have them to remove from the Job Setup and I don't know how they were selected to begin with. These are my domain controllers on my network. All other drives backup normally with no other errors. Any suggestion on how to remove the utility partition from my backup would be appreciated.

Level 5
best bet is to look at the selection list in text mode. on the "job setup" tab, find your selection list in the bottom window and double click (you might have to confirm something about modifying a selection with active jobs, whatever).

on the top right, there is a view radio box, change it to text. it should look something like:

\\servername\someshare\*.* /subdir
\\servername\someshare\recycler\*.* /exclude /subdir

remove any errant or extraneous entry and run the backup again.