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Unable to use compression

Level 2
Hi, I am having an issue with compression.  I have all the appropriate compression set.  It's DDS4 20GB native and 40GB compressed.  Well I can only use 19.1GB.  Any suggestions?

Level 6
"Well I can only use 19.1GB"
Is that from the "total capacity" column on the Media tab? - or from the actual job log?
The "total capacity" column is based on native (less a small amount for overhead). you have to read it in conjunction with 'bytes written" and "compression ration"

Level 2
I'm trying to write 29GB, but it stop at 19.1GB and says to insert an overwriteable media.  I have them all set to overwrite.

Level 6
Compression in v10 has been flakey since it was released
Are you using HW or SW? does it make any difference if you change?
If you shut down all BackupExec services, does NTBackup exhibit the same behavior?

Level 2
I have it set to HW and use SW if HW fails.  and still doesn't work.  Do we know if compression works better in 11?
I can't use NTBackup cause I'm pulling data from a fileserver to backup to it too.

Level 6
Try NTbackup on the media server, just to see if compression works with NTBackup