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Uninstalled backup exec 12 and now wont let me re-install

Level 4

Hi there, i've removed backup exec 12.0 from one of our customers servers and no it wont re-install. Here are the errors in the install log

08-15-2013,16:24:07 : There is no MSSQL$MSSQLSERVER Service 

08-15-2013,16:24:07 : V-225-226: Unable to connect to SQL Server. ***To search for information about this error, click here  


then it continues for a bit then...

08-15-2013,16:35:07 : V-225-205: ERROR: Unable to open the physical file "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf". Operating system error 2: "2(error not found)". sql:EXEC sp_attach_db 'BEDB',@filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_Dat.mdf', @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEDB_Log.ldf' ***To search for information about this error, click here
08-15-2013,16:35:07 : V-225-118: Error installing BEDB ***To search for information about this error, click here
08-15-2013,16:35:07 : Action ended 16:35:07: InstallFinalize. Return value 3. 


I've noticed that the sqlserver (bkupexec) service is still installed after removal, not sure if that helps

Any help appreciated
Kind regards

Level 6

Hello Willj87,

Make sure the SQL browser service is started. 

Are you trying to reinstall Backup Exec 12.0 or a different version? 

Level 4

yes its started. 

Level 4

and no im using the same version. thanks

Level 6

Check out the issue and solution here:

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hello Will,


Please perform a manual uninstall of backup exec most probably there are some files left from previous uninstall which are causing the issue, did you reboot the server once backup exec was uninstalled if not reboot the server and than try running the installation again....

Please check the following

which has information how to remove backup exec manually, however post suggests to delete registry entries, please backup your registry before you try the following steps, apart from that If backup exec data folder is present in C:\program files\symantec\backup exec directory, it would be good if you can make a copy of it in case you want to perform migration from old database....

hope this resolves the issue.


   VIP    Certified

I am surprised that you are recommending that the OP follow instructions on a non-Symantec website to remove a Symantec product.  Doesn't Symantec has an official manual removal procedure?

Level 6
Employee Accredited
We do have an internal document however for some reason public link is not working for that article... when I checked the article which I have posted has same steps thus I suggested to perform the steps....hopefully manual uninstall and than reinstall or reboot and install resolves the issue....

   VIP    Certified

Could it be that the document is pulled because Symantec does not want users to manually uninstall BE on their own?

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Hmmmm...however op has already uninstalled the product here and getting an error while trying to reinstall the product....if he logs a support call we would still suggest him to.perform the same steps...lets see if cleaning registry doesnt resolve the issue will ask op to open a support case...

Level 4

thanks for the tips guys. i'll look into them now and let you know how i get on

Level 4

Hi musSeth. the uninstall untility only works on 64 bit systems for some reason, the server im trying to fix is 32 bit.



Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hello Will,

Windows utility wont be helpful to you as you have already uninstalled the product, however you can try removing the left over entries which could be causing the issue, again there are rgistry entries which needs to be removed manually if they are not cleaned up with uninstallation, if you are not comfortable doing that I would request you to open a support case so that an engineer can help with the manual uninstall process.

Level 4

Do you have the instructions on how to remove symantec backup exec 12.0? The instructions are for 11



Partner    VIP    Accredited

...check this link. This was how to uninstall BE 11d and above, so it would be relevant for BE 12.0 as well!



EDIT: Follow these steps at your own choosing...