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Upgrade Notificaton Letter

Level 4
When might I expect to see my 'Invitation to Upgrade letter??

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
We have started sending the notification since Feb 19th.
We are sending over 40 thousand notification per week and should be able to cover everyone within 4 weeks.

Level 3
If you haven't received your upgrade notification email...and you have a critical need to start using the new can retrieve your eligible BE12 license keys direct from the Symantec License Portal  (requires customer ID or product serial # for login)...then go to FileConnect and download the software. The following doc will walk you through the procees as well showing a sample of the customer notification letter  ...and all the other links you need.

Level 3
If you have not received your customer notification email which will include your eligible license keys you can also do the following:

Step 1:
Retrieve your eligible license keys from the Symantec Licensing Portal (
acctmgmt/index.jsp). You will need a customer ID number or product serial
number to log into the Licensing portal.
Step 2:
Go to FileConnect ( and download your BE12 or BESR8 software. To enter the site, have the
serial number of your software for login.
Step 3:
Once you download the software from FileConnect, simply install your BE12 or BESR8 license keys.
If you have any other licensing questions you can contact Customer Care.

Level 4
I stil don't have my upgrade notification and when I try to use the above procedure, it doesn't list anything past BE10 even though I am running BE11. I renewed my maintenance the beginning of the year so I SHOULD be in the system.