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Upgrade from BE 2010-R2 to BE 2012

Level 3

Hi everyone...

is there someone to help me with this issue please?

i'm trying to upgrade my Be 2010 R2 to Be 2012, but when i'm adding a upgrade key (.slf file), app still is viewed like trial.

before install BE 2012 i have installed BE 2010 completely updated, including R3 version... but like a new instalation, without older DB & Catalagos

thanks in advanced...




Level 5
Employee Accredited

Dear Sir:


Complete the upgrade, or a fresh install if you do not want the old settings, as a trial.

After the install is complete, go again to Start (the BE yellow icon at the top left), Installation and Licensing, Install Options and Licenses...,, on the first page import the SLF files or add the license keys manually, and on the second page CHECK all of the licenses that apply.

Finish the procedure and you will have the product running in full licensed mode.


Level 3

Hi Carlos, thanks for you answer....

do you speak spanish?

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified

Also be aware that in Backup Exec 2012, there are two kinds of serial numbers:  product and maintenance.  Only the product serial numbers will "license" Backup Exec.   Depending on the slf file you are importing, the slf file could have just product serial numbers, just maintenance serial numbers or both.

When you run the install, one of the first screens allows you to add serial number and import slf files.  Since you have already imported slfs files, you can go to this screen and see what type serial numbers have already been entered.  Maintanence serial numbers will have the word "maintenance" next to them. 

The following technote explains the issue: