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V-79-57344-65218 A failure occurred accessing the SnapShot handle (net sha)

Level 3

I want to backup a network share But I get the following error message: V-79-57344-65218 A failure occurred accessing the SnapShot handle

I don't have open files active

I use Backup exec 10 for SBS

The User name and pass are correct for that system.

Thanks for the support,


Level 3
Seems Like nobody knows the awnser.

Even the veritas emplyees...

Hopefully somebody will come by and save My job ;)



Level 6

Please note that generally this error may occur when Use Advanced Open File Option is selected in the backup job properties, however the Advanced Open File Option (AOFO) is either not licensed within the product, or the target system does not have the AOFO software installed.

As you have mentioned here that you ared not using AOFO, perform the following steps:

1.Create a small backup job

2. and select Open file backup when Advance open file option is not used to "NEVER"

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Well i have the small buisiness option But can't Veritas just backup a networks share like S:??

Level 6
Hello Aron,
Did you you make the changes suggested by Deepali in the backup job properties? Do you have remote agent or the AOFO agent installed to this remote server?
NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
Well don't know I installed Novabackup.

It works great. No hassel and a fast support.


Level 2
Upgrading to version 10 has been nothing but a nightmare of problems. A number of the networks we managed have had an addiional server added for a SQL product. before we were using version 9.1 small business standard.
So we upgraded to version 10d SBS which has sql built into it. all we needed was additional remote agent. every backup since the upgrade has failed since the upgrade because the AOFO in version 10 SBS has problems.

I reverted to a backup before version 10 install and the problem goes away. I have spent hours with veritas support on manny issues that have come with version 10
and I am about ready to change products.

I have upgraded 15 of 31 networks and not a one works without problems.

Level 3
Well all i can say is there are some good products out there.

Arceserve ruled before... Veritas beat them but after they know they beat somebody they just get like the predecessor.

I really find it F**ked up that they do like that. And not for the community just for the money and Scr*w the IT Engineers.