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VCB + BE 12.5 - Backup Not Working on all VM

Level 4


I'm currently evaluating ESXi 3.5 and Backup Exec 12.5.

First on my list was Backup and Recovery.
I decided to give VMWare Consolidated Backup and Backup Exec 12.5 a try because it looked pretty good on the product pages.
But of course not everything is working as you expect it, right ? :)

Here is my Test Lab:

ESXi 3.5
VM #1 Server 2003 (clean install)
VM #2 Server 2003 (production system migrated using VMWare Converter for testing purposes)
VM #3 Server 2003 (BE 12.5 + VCB Proxy, this configuration is supported by Symantec)

Physical Vista x64 - used as Backup-To-Disk destination

On BE 12.5 I created a backup job for VM #1. This job works flawlessly.
However, the same job settings don't work for VM #2.

Here are my observations:
When I start the job for #1, I can see (on VI Client) there is a snaphsot beeing created, this happens within seconds and I then the temp folder on VCB proxy begins to grow.
After a while the jobs is finished. I was able to restore this backup.
When I start the job for #2, on VI Client it says: "Create Virtual Machine Snapshot - VM #2 - In Progress". On BE 12.5 it says: "Exporting". Thats it... nothing happens. Not data on temp folder expect for one folder.

Even after 12 nothing changed. There is no indication of a backup process on ESXi performance tab and the performance for VM #2 is "not available for this entity".
I can not cancel the snapshot process. I have to reboot VM #2, that brings back performance data and the snapshot process dissapears.
Btw, when I reboot VM #2 I get disconnected from the VI Client but can immediately reconnect (is that normal?).

Apart from my backup problem ESXi makes a very strong impression after a few weeks of testing. BE 12.5 didn't but it is still very powerfull.
Unfortunately there is no support for evaluation of ESXi and BE 12.5. Any help from this community would be much appreciated!

If you need any informations I left out/missed please let me know.


Accepted Solutions

Level 4

Thanks for your reply,


You are right, I wasn't able to take a snapshot. However, disks are not Independent/persistent.


Solution was:

this VSS Rollup:


See also this thread:



Message Edited by OSJF on 02-17-2009 12:59 PM

View solution in original post


Level 4

What are your disk types?  Independent/persistent etc....

Are the disk types the same on each server.  My understanding is you can't snapshot a disk unless it is Non-Independent.  Independent/persistent can't be snapshotted.


Level 4

Thanks for your reply,


You are right, I wasn't able to take a snapshot. However, disks are not Independent/persistent.


Solution was:

this VSS Rollup:


See also this thread:



Message Edited by OSJF on 02-17-2009 12:59 PM

Level 4

Excellent! Glad you resolved it!


I just succesfully configured our VCB based backups and I'm running through each VM to determine if any issues.  So far so good.  I'm running ESX 3.5


Now onto CPS


David Abowitt, VCP


Level 3

Backup Exec System Recovery v8.5 also causes a a result of its VSS Drivers:


This Tech do mentions the conflict between VWARE VSS and BE 12.5 VSS... same applIes for BESR 8.5. Howerver with BESER you have to have its VSS drivers installed.


As a result of this i have fixed my VCB "Exporting" freeze by removing the VMWARE VSS drivers.