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Very Slow with VSS

Level 3


I have a problem with Backup Exec 2010. It has been working fine for several months but since several days it is very,very slow.

I have checked that the problem is if i enable VSS shadow copies on the server (Windows 2003 R2 x64) and after several days of using this.

If i disable VSS on the server i works perfect and does a backup of 2,2 Tb on 8/9 hours. With VSS activated and after several days it gets very slow and takes about 19/20 hours.

It has all the patches and drivers updated.

Any help please??



Level 6

The following document should answer you query

Level 3

THis is Windows 2003 R2 with SP 1 or SP 2 ?

Kindly update VSS hotfixes on server . Check ur vssadmin.exe version.

Recommendations : Windows 2003 R2 with SP 1 = vssadmin.exe version 5.2.3790.3959

if it is Windows 2003 R2 with SP 2 = vssadmin.exe version 5.2.3790.4143

Level 6

If its W2003 with SP2, install the VSS rollup patch (Reboot required)


Hope this helps...

Level 3

Thanks for information.

I have windows 2003 R2 SP2 but the version of vssadmin.exe is old (5.2.3790.3959).

I am going to try updating this.

I will tell you about.


Thanks again,

Level 3


Hi again,


I sucess updating the VSSadmin.exe version but the problem is still.


Any other idea to try??


Level 2

I think you should upgrade vssvc.exe . I have the same problem but with BE 10d so I 'll try to upgrade this componet maybe today

Level 3

Hi Marko25,


If you get this working please let me know how to do it.

I have updated my vss to vssadmin.exe 5.2.3790.4143 version and i cant find on microsoft page any other update.



Level 2

kb940349 v3 is hotfix which upgrade vss. I fixed my system yesterday and I see that backup working faster but still we can't accept it. I'll try to defrag volume during weekend but I belive that help me.

Level 3

I tried defragmenting but without success.

The problem is still there. If i disable shadow copy it works very fast (up to 4092 MB/min)

but with shadow copy enable is slower every day. From 4092 to 3500 to 2900 to 2300 to 2000 and end 1800 MB/min.

If i remove several snapshots (I have 4 snaps every day) It increases its speed.

Hope anyone find a fix for this.

Level 2

I have the same symptoms. I'm very surprised that Symantec doesn't have any salution or ideas. Did you try submit this problem to official Symantec customer support ?

Level 3

Sorry for delay i´ve been out.

I didnt report this to Symantec. I belong to a Multinational Company and I am on Spain and it is suppose that all the backup problems must be resolved by other people on Paris (they installed and configured the server). The problem is that they dont know any for resolving this problem.

Thats the way why i am here on the forum with my hotmail account.

I dont have any serial number or contract details.

If someone knows any fix for this problem It would be great. My only way for fixing it it to be alert every day and remove old snapshots. I only left 2 days (8 snapshots) at the server. It gets about 2,700Mb/min the more snapshots i have the less speed i get.

