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What are the Defined Maximum Drive Space Limits for Backup to Disk

Level 3
Have been successfully using Backup to Disk with a 2TB destination drive. Backup now requires a 5TB destination. Backups no longer working - job stays in "queued" status and tests/logs/events generate media/io errors. Folders work fine on 2TB drive, fail on 5TB. I'm assuming that I have reached a limit in BE for drive size maximum for Backup to Disk folders. Windows is capable of managing 250+TB drives, so the limit is not in the OS. Any thoughts?

BE 10.0 rev 5484 (WIndows 2K Server)

Level 6
According to the max size is limited by the FileSystem. For NTFS it should be 16 TB

What specific errors are you getting?

Level 3
Hope I have not been misleading. I am not reaching any single file limits. I am using 10GB files for the B2D. It is the overall size of the destination disk that has changed from 2TB to 5TB.

When trying to back up, the status goes from "loading media" to "queued." It actually DOES create a BKF file listing it as "Blank Media" The status never changes from "queued" to "running." (And no, the server is not "paused")

I was getting Media errors when doing a test run and I was able to overcome the failure by removing the "check media" options. I have since upgraded to 10.0 Rev 5520 and now the test run is successful, but the backup still stalls.

Here are the latest errors from event viewer. (Since the job never actually fails, there are no errors in BE)

**** Event Log: ****

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: ReadFMTable() SetFilePointer failed (E:\BKUPEXEC\DIADATA\Folder.cfg). Error=87

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Changer: Couldn't ReadFMTables/RecoverBKF (E:\BKUPEXEC\DIADATA\Folder.cfg). Error=87

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: ReadMTFData() ReadFile failed (E:\BKUPEXEC\DIADATA\B2D001464.bkf). Error=87

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: ReadFMTable() SetFilePointer failed (E:\BKUPEXEC\DIADATA\Folder.cfg). Error=87

**** Backup Exec ****

Level 3
FYI... There was another thread on this, but the solutions were irrelevant ant the problem was never solved.

Level 6
You mention that you have changed the size of the B2D folders, how did you do that? Where did you do the modification?

NOTE: If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Help me here. Please point out the quote you are referring to. I changed the size of the destination volume and the the B2D files. The B2D folders have no predefined limit. They are limited by the volume size and the disk space reserve.

Level 6
I am sorry I got you wrong. I thought you mentioned the size of the B2D folder.
If I understand you added a new disk or did you resize the volume?

Level 3
Basically we took a 12 x 400GB x RAID5 SATA array with two 2TB volumes and increased it to a 15 x 400GB x RAID5 array with one 5TB volume. (Blew away the array and rebuilt from scratch) The array capacity changed from 4TB to 5TB.

Have been working with tech support on this. It appears that there is a 4TB barrier on my configuration - BE10dSP2 on W2KSP4.

As soon as the drive capacity exceeds 4TB - the backup fails. Even if I break the drive back into smaller volumes.

Not applicable
This thread seems stalled. hoping someone from symantec supply answer, or atleast confirm they are working on this.

I am experiencing same type of problem while trying to provision a new backup server using version 11D on Win2k3 Storage Server R2. B2D disk is 8x750GB RAID 5 via areca arc-1160ML controller approx. 4.88TB as seen by OS.

I have also tired breaking it into smaller partions but problem persists.

I have been trying to determine if this an issue with Drive capicity, GPT disks in general. volumes over 2TB, non-standard sector size, 64bit OS....