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What quiet time represents....

Level 3
I am experiencing a problem whereby I am receiving "cannot get minimum quiet time" errors on a server that is currently running an application that writes to disk on an almost continuous basis. My questions are as follows:

1. Does Backup Exec require only the "quiet time" as listed (3 seconds) in the AOFO option to initiate a snapshot. If so, will simply stopping the application for the (3 seconds) permit the job to run successfully.

2. If not, how long does the system need to remain quiet? I mean does the server need to be quiet during the entire snapshot process or for the entire backup process?

Any assistance with this issue would be most appreciated...

Thank you,

M Bernhard

Level 6

Please refer the following technote:

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Level 3
Thank you very much...The article was quite useful but I had the chance to speak to one of the Veritas support team and the answer that I was seeking is this:

While you can set the minimum "quiet time" to a specific setting, the application requires enough quiet to complete the snapshot process. In this case, the complete logical volume of the drive that is being captured....

Again, thank you for your response...

Have a great day,

M Bernhard