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backup exec service fails to start ( new installation )

Not applicable
Installed symantec backup exec 12.5 on a win2008 server x64 .
Installing the embedded sql express didn't work cause errors on different language ( server = dutch ), so used the existing sql 2005 server ( ms navision ) .
With sql manager i saw a new created database BEDB . 
Installing backup exec 12.5 sp2 didn't help.
Tried repair / uninstall / reinstall.

Error in eventviewer : Toepassing met fout beserver.exe, versie 12.5.2213.133, tijdstempel 0x49f88055, module met fout kernel32.dll, versie 6.0.6001.18215, tijdstempel 0x4995354a, uitzonderingscode 0xe06d7363, foutmarge 0x000000000002619d, proces-id 0x1ae0, starttijd van toepassing 0x01ca04d0334f5111

starting beserver.exe -console gives following results

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking service rights and pending reboots.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for pending install reboot.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Pending install reboot not detected.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Opening process token.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Getting token SID.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Got current SID: 'S-1-5-21-478794494-2074479905-3684
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for local system account.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Got local system SID: 'S-1-5-18'.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Not running as local system account.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for specific required rights.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for 'Backup Files and Directories' priv
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for 'Restore Files and Directories' pri
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for 'Create a Token Object' privilege.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for 'Manage Auditing and Security Log'
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Checking for 'Take ownership of files and other
objects' privilege.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Privilege is enabled.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Not checking for 'Act as part of the operating s
ystem' privilege as it is not needed for this environment.
[7252] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Starting beserver console application
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Starting Service: BackupExecRPCService
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Entered RpcXfaceServiceMain.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Sending start status to scm. (hint 300000)..
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Initializing ACE...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:10 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Initializing work queue...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Read from Registry: DBTimeoutInSec=30 ServerInternal
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Server Connection String = Application Name=BEWS Ser
ver;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Ini
tial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=Server08;Locale Identifier=1033;
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Initializing Persistent Store (SERVER08, BEDB, Backu
p Exec Server, 30 seconds)...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Attemp to GetMyPartition ComputerName=SERVER08 Parti
tionID=0 PartitionGUID=d257969d-8f4a-41df-850f-de8f3afbc484
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 InitializePartition() Data partition ID from registr
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 GetMyPartition() Data partition to use for 'SERVER08
' is 0
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 InitializePartition() returning 0x0
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Successfully GetMyPartition ComputerName=SERVER08 Pa
rtitionID=0 PartitionGUID=d257969d-8f4a-41df-850f-de8f3afbc484
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 InitializePartition() ok, partitionID=0, oldComputer
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Creating Business Objects...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 00 VSN BO Initialization succeeded.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 Server Configuration: Getting network configuration.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 -1 ServerName:SERVER08, ActiveNodeName:,
InstanceName:, DatabaseName:BEDB.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 Server Configuration: BEServer schema version checks
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 Server Configuration: Check eval option expiration w
orkitem added.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 CServerConfigBO::GetFIPSVersionInfo() BECryptoGetCry
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 CServerConfigBO::InitVerifyThreatConStatus()
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 Server Configuration: Verify If Threatconstatus upto
date workitem added.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 01 Server Configuration: Initialization Complete.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 02 Ownership: Initialization Complete.
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 03 JobManBO: starting initialization...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 03 JobManBO: initialization complete...
[6212] 07/15/09 00:17:11 04 CAuditLogBO: Initialization completed.

At this point the beserver crashes.

All i find is about repairing .net 2.0 but the server has already .net 3.5 sp1 installed.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Repair your MDAC installation and see if this fixes it.
I've had the same sort of issue and Symantec support pointed me to this...miraculously it worked.