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backup orcale database fail with Database script returned an error

Level 4
Partner Accredited
i have orcale databse installed on windows server 2003 when i try to backup this database with Backup exec 2010 R2 it faied with Floowing Error..
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0000340 - The Database script returned an error.  Refer to the Database script output section in job logs for more details.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-832
i try toopen case but not resolved any help to resolve this porblem
i have uplode the log file 

Level 6
Its issue with Rman.try running backup using RMAN directly. If it complete successfully than run backup in BE and check the result.

Level 4
Partner Accredited
unfortunately i am not expert in oracle... so if you can guide me by the step to how using rman directly ....i will be appreciate??

Not applicable

Hi Ahmed,


The file "" you've attached is corrupt. There are no files to extract.


Anyway, I'll try to help you, despite you post your question some weeks ago.


Most of the problems using Oracle agent in BE/Veritas are due to credentials and permissions. You probably are getting the Oracle errors ORA-19506 ("failed to create sequential file, name=...", ORA-27028 ("skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error") and ORA-19511 ("Error received from media manager layer, error text..:")


You'll see these error messages expanding the RMAN output at the backup task log. Just expand all the task log and search for "RMAN".


In most cases, these errors should be solved providing the correct credentials on the Backup Remote Agent service on the Oracle server and, very important, on the Backup Exec, go to Tools --> Options and specify the correct credentials for the server on the "Oracle" server.


Just follow these steps:

1. On the remote machine, open the "Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility" (under Start --> Programs --> Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers)

2. On the "Oracle" tab, specify an Oracle user and password with sysdba privileges (user "system" is OK). As media server, specify the IP address or hostname of the Backup Exec machine. The rest of the fields can be the default options (Recovery catalog not used and task template = "Default")

3. On the "Database Access" tab, check the first and second checkboxes and provide correct data on the required fields. On the first Username field, you must provide an Windows user on the Oracle server that has been inclued on the "ORA_DBA" user group. Also on the second field ("Hostname of IP address of the computer for Oracle or DB2 operations") you must provied the hostname or IP address of the Oracle server.

4. Now go the Backup Exec main console. Set up a connection account under the "Network" menu with the same credetianls used on the step 3.

5. Finally go to Tools --> Options and inside the "Oracle" server, specify the correct connection account that you set up on the step 4 for the Oracle server (use the "Edit list" button").

Now launch an online backup and you should do it succesfully. If you still get errors, just make a Live Update and then reinstall the remote agent on the remote machine and repeat the steps above.


Aleix Torres