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beremote.exe crashes

Level 3
Since a couple of weeks my domino backup doesn't work. The backup starts but after about 10 minutes i get the following error message:
Faulting application beremote.exe, version 11.0.6235.0, faulting module bedsnote.dll, version 11.0.6235.0, fault address 0x0002c080.
The job hangs and I have to restart all BE services. After the restart the BE Remote Agent starts and terminates after a couple of minutes with the same error even without doing a backup.
It only happen with domino database backup. Data backup works fine.
I use BE 11.d with hotfix 6 and 9.

Level 3
Hi Florian,

I have a similar problem: Application failure beremote.exe version 11..6235.0 in msvcr71.dll 7.10.3052.4 at offset 0002cf20.

I have heared from many customers, that they have major problems with the new remote agent crashing in varous dlls.

Symantec support cannot offer a solution so far. "We have some problems..." is what they say. "You have to wait for some fixes."

Where are the Veritas developers? Gone? What is Symantec doing in their test labs? What a waste of time...


Level 4
You will have to call support for these issues. They must then ask you for the dmp file created by the application fault.
You may need to run ADPlus to generate the .dmp files.

Have you tried uninstalling - reinstalling the remote agent?
Also test with disabling the change journal in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Domino. Recycle the Remote Agent service after the change and adhere to the usual care when editing the registry.


Level 3
Thanks for your answer. I already tried to reinstall Backup Agent and Domino Agent.
It is very confusing because the backup worked find until last Friday.