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bkuplnch.exe missing

Level 2
Really at a loss here ... BE 12.5 is basically uninstalling components of itself ...

Here's the setup
W2K8 server standar edition
SEP 11.4 migration 2
Exchange server 2007 SP1
BE 12.5 server edition SP1
Symantec information foundation for MS Exchange

After installing BE 12.5 and doing minor config etc.back in June I closed the program w/o paying much attention - waiting for the tape drive to arrive.  Next time I'm trying the shortcut placed on the desktop I'm getting the message 'BkupLnch.exe missing'.  Not sure if I was trying to install different options etc.  I'm repairing the installation and everything is back to normal.  Opening backup exec after after tape drive is here and configure the rest of it ... etc. make a test run - everything is fine ... okay close BE and focus on backup strategy before continuing.  2 weeks later - trying to log into BE - same error - files are gone (I checked each time - basically the folder c:\program files(x86)\symantec\backup exec contains only 4 .exe files anymore - the file count is 118 - I remember there were a heck of alot more in there after installation.

So confused - here's what I did in the mean time:  Installing a 2nd server instance - installing remotely SEP on that server ...

I can repair it again - or just keep it running if that would help ... but the files are disappearing - like something would just delete the directory content???

Any idea or am I just stupid?

Nick - really feeling like monky business ... sorry

Level 6
Partner Accredited

It seems to be AV or Windows file blocking issue. Please disable SEP agent or uninstall SEP agent and repair the BE installation again. After that re-install SEP agent and exclude BkupLnch.exe from scanning.
Please check and confirm.

Level 2
Will try but can't confirm until Monday because I don't want to do this remotely.  However to exclude the files from being scanned is for me an issue itself - I would basically have to create a new SEP installation package for that server.

but thanks a lot for the suggestion - but I may not be able to confirm that it works - after repair everything looked okay for probably 2 weeks and then the files just disappeared again ... so I haven't been able to narrow the event/timing to anything in particular but will also check if the weekly scan cause it as you indicated above.

Level 2

Finally got around and it seems to work for now - at least it hasn't uninstalled itself and the backups are working - thanks a lot for the suggestion.

The SEP log didn't reveal anything either - so I'm still guessing that this would be the culprit of the whole situation.



Level 2
Sorry - problem is coming back - after being okay for 3 weeks the program went AWOL again ...

really don't know what to do about this now ... any ideas?

Employee Accredited Certified
Like everyone else's comments it is unlikely that Backup Exec itself is causing the problem. However I notice some odd things in some of the info you have provided.

As you appear to be on a 64 bit operating system - why is the path you refer to for bkuplnch.exe in the Program Files (x86) folder - which is for 32 bit components . 12.5 on a 64 bit server should have it's files under the 64 bit path - similarly 12.5 actually stopped using Program Files (x86) as it was recoded to save the few 32bit components it needs in an x86 folder below the 64 bit install location.

So I would expect to find the exe you are missing in either C:\Program Files\Symantec\backup Exec or wherever you customized the path to - not in C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Backup Exec - unless you customized the install path of the 64bit install to the 32 bit folder structure.

As well as bkuplnch.exe you should have a bkupexec.exe which will also launch the console - both exe files should be found in the 64 bit path on a 64 bit server.