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ejecting Dell PowerVault RD1000 cartridge automatically (removable b2d folder)

Level 3
Have a Dell PowerVault RD1000 with a number of cartridges that we rotate. Problem is that automatic eject of the cartridges when a job completes does not work. Ejecting it manually works. Any ideas? Seems like another bug in the software...

Level 3
Still looking for help on this one. Maybe someone from Symantec can comment?

Level 6

The RD1000 is a backup to disk device, not a tape drive. The eject functionality is only supported on tape devices.


Level 3
It works when I do it manually - so I guess it is supported for my type of device too... How come it doesn't work on scheduled jobs though?

Message Edited by Vidar Kroslid on 09-25-2007 10:32 AM

Level 6

Explain what you mean by "when I do it manually" please.  Are you right clicking on the device and selecting Eject or are you pushing the button on the device to eject the catridge?

Level 3
Correct. When i right-click on the device and choose eject, an eject job is run and the cartridge is ejected from the unit. When i specify to eject at the end of a job it doesn't do it.

Level 6

Again, as far as I have been told this functionality is not available for the Removable Backup to Disk folders in the backup jobs.  I had to double check this with some of my hardware guys, so there will be nothing I can do to help at this point.

Just as a side note, I was able to get a hold of an RD 1000 for testing and I wasn't able to get Backup Exec to eject the tapes at all.  I had to use the software that comes with the device to eject the tapes or press the  button on the front.

Level 3
Then you seem to have more issues with your own copy of Backup Exec than I have ;o)

I just noticed the utility that is available for download from DELL (for the RD1000). It has a service that makes the eject button on the unit itself work. This is sufficient for us. Finally the button on the unit itself is working!

Please put in a feature request to have proper eject functionality for removable b2d units though.