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inquiry string returns unknown drive

Level 3
After upgrading from BE 10.0 to 11d, the pair of Quantum SDLT600 drives are not recognized since the drive inquiry string must be failing. The drives backup and restore correctly. This problem leads to mislabeled tapes since the drive type shows up as "***" (without quotes) instead of DLT. There is another post here that suggest that there is a simple fix for this that was provided by Symantec.

We have 3 other media servers and do not have this problem with those drives (SDLT320 and LT02).

Does anyone have a suggestion or fix?

Your comments are appreciated.

Level 3
I found and downloaded the latest Device Driver Installer (DDI). The file I downloaded is for 32bit systems (there is one for 64bit too) and it is named be6235RHF12_32bit_286763.exe

After running this update, BE services were automatically restarted and when I checked the drives the correct drive type was reported. Problem solved!