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messed-up drive letters

Level 3
I needed to do an uninstall/reinstall.  When I uninstalled, I had two drive letters, G and M, that were local hard drives.  During the time that BE was installed, I re-arranged the drive letters, and now G and M are CD-ROM drives.  When I reinstalled BE (I left the database when doing the uninstall), it now keeps showing those two drive letters in the backup reports, yet they do NOT appear in any selection list.

How do I get BE to ignore those drives now?

I've also noticed that these two drives appear in the resource list, and in the job descriptions as drives that contained directories I did not want backup up.




Level 6
Edit the selection list(s) and choose Text Mode
Delete from there, and they should be gone for good
(This little gotcha has been around since v7.0, and Vertitas and now Symantec show no interest in fixing it)

Level 3
Thanks, Ken.

Before I could find your reply, I just deleted and recreated the affected backup jobs.  I'll remember (maybe) the text option for next time.
