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my services won't start

Level 3
The event log doesn't give away much


Just downloaded the trial and can't get the services to start.

I guess the main cause of this would be

Starting Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems on FINLAND.
The service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems is already running on FINLAND.
Starting Backup Exec Device & Media Service on FINLAND.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Device & Media Service on FINLAND.  Error code returned:
Physical Volume Library Database - database does not exist.

The event log doesn't give away much either;

The Backup Exec Device & Media Service service terminated with the following error: %%-536837819

It's a new Windows 2008 R2 64bit Server with SQL 2008 on it.  During the set-up I opted to use my existing installation of SQL Server rather than have it install MSDE (or whatever it was going to do).  I Provided the named instance of FINLAND\SUN.  I have logged onto the SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio and can see that the database BEDB has been created with a lot of tables.

Not sure what to look at now, as there's no obvious way I can log onto the software without the services running to see if there are any config changes I should make.

Any ideas?


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Had the same the latest patches and install them.
Restart your server, and then try again...

Level 6
What version of backup exec have you installed ? Please make sure the Backup exec version which u have install is compatible with SQL 2008

Level 3
hmmm, the live tool downloaded two "hotfixes" during the installation and i did the reboot thing (first thing anyone should try before looking for support ;) ).

any pointers to where patches can be downloaded from directly?

I'm a new user to symantec, and to me the web site isn't the most intuitive to find downloads/patches etc.

Level 6
have look of the following document as well

Level 3
could you give me a hint how to run Live Update?

the only icon i can find is in the control panel, and this just seems to open the configuration page.  I can't find anyway to actually run it to check for updates.

Employee Accredited Certified

As an aside to your issue - we don't recommend that the BEDB is installed in the same SQL instance as production databases
1) Activities within Backup Exec (hotix installtion, troubleshooting etc) might need to shutdown the instance which would cause a service interruption to your production DB
2) Restoring the production and backup databases from a disaster is more complicated if they are all in one instance - mainly because we have to be using the instance containing teh BEDB at the same time as doing the restore of the production environment.

Level 6
 have look of the following doc

Level 3
Point taken on (1).  I don't intend to use the SQL Agent, I'm happy enough with dumping the DB to disk via MS SQL Agents and backing up the files.

Still can't get this damn thing to work though, read linked support article and didn't apply to me (checked all the steps).

Partner    VIP    Accredited
From my side, I load all my patches manually after testing them.
If you can, disable it from Services.msc, or go to Tools --> Options --> LiveUpdate, and deselect the option to use it.

Level 3
Has anyone any suggestions at all about what i might do to get this working?

I've tried downloading all the patches manually
I've tried the support document 340426 as suggested above
I've uninstalled (watched it log on to my SQL server and deleted the database) and re-installed where it re-created the database on my SQL Server instance
I've tried contacting support but because this is a trial download of Backup Exec 2010 they are unable to support me

Very shortly the trial will be classed as a total failiure as I can't even get the product to start.