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"Directory or File was not found, or could not be accessed"

Level 3
Partner Accredited
I am getting a message when trying to backup a Windows 2000 server from a Windows 2003 server. Remote agent is installed but no other agents including the Advanced Open File Option. The message is identical to that described in Document ID: 26183.

"Directory %directory% was not found, or could not be accessed. None of the files or subdirectories contained within will be backed up."
"Directory or File was not found, or could not be accessed" (a00084af HEX or e00084af HEX)"

Document 26183 only says this happens when using Advanced Open File Option, but it is not being use (nor is it installed). Anyone have any ideas?

Level 6

Please could you copy paste the exact error message as in the job log

Note:- if we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.

Level 3
Partner Accredited
Here is the exact log message of the error. As I said in my first post, it is the exact error noted in the Document ID: 26183 and is identical to the message referenced in my first post.

Backup - \\TEKA-FS\F: SharedDirectory \ was not found, or could not be accessed.
None of the files or subdirectories contained within will be backed up.

Job ended: Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 3:09:07 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xa00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.

Please, keep in mind that the Open File agent is not installed. Any ideas?


Level 6
Hello Tony,
Plz create a new backup job for these selctions and check the results.
NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
Partner Accredited
I have created new jobs four times including this last time at your request. All results are the same.

Tony Lombardi

Level 6

We would require Backup Exec and system logs to provide you an accurate solution. However, If you do not have Advanced Open File Option installed then, the possible reasons and the solution for the above error is given below:

1. This happens if Distributed Processing Technology (DPT) is not working properly.

2. To resolve the issue, you may create a folder sis common store as stated in the following document.

3. If the folders or the files are deleted, please remove the selection from the Backup Exec to resolve the issue.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
Partner Accredited
I went ahead and added a "sis common store" directory in the root of the drive causing the error. I will check the backup tonight and let you know if this resolves the problem.

Sending you as many logs as you want is not a problem if it will help resolve this problem. I have to make this error stop. It is scaring the heck out of my customer.

Level 3
Partner Accredited
Your fix about adding a "sis common store" to the drive causing the "directory or file not found..." error worked. The issue is resolved. Thank you.