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restore from Amazon S3 very slow

Level 5

Is there any best practice or advice on restoring backup data stored in Amazon S3? Apparently, there's an issue where we're having an issue with the restore speed from Amazon S3. We get 3GBytes/min throughput from backup (VM and SQLDB data backup) but only can get around 8MB/min throughput from restore whether it be an entire VM restore or a simple file restore, it doesn't matter. The behavior we see is when a restore is taking place, actual data transfer only takes place every 10 minutes (100MB to 1GB of data transfer) but the remaining period of time, no data transfer is taking place so throughput is zero. We checked the router setting to see if any QoS setting might have an impact but no setting has been made. A support case for this has been opened but not much progress.


Employee Accredited Certified

havnt run into this but can you test a backup and restore from same BE server on another bucket. Since it is windows 2016, try to disable defender and see if it makes any difference.