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restore from disc error "Catalog query for next media failed."

Level 2
i am running backup exec for windows servers 9.1.  I do a full backup on the weekendand incremental backups monday - thursday.  Recently I have tried to restore from the full backup on the hard drive a file, when i run the restore it fails out with an error - Catalog query for next media failed.
yet when i restore a file from the incremental backup from the same hdd it works no problem.  i used to be able to restore from the full backup...this just started to happen.  any ideas as to how to fix?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!

Level 2
i have gone to the link you provided and followed the steps.  but still i cant restore from a full backup.  Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
thank you in advance!

Level 6
in that case, it sounds like one or more of the BKF files has been overwritten or deleted
try a test restore on Monday morning from that weekend's Full
if that works, what is the OPP setting for the Weekly Full media set, and how long ago was the backup you cannot restore from run?