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retrieve BackupExec backups from Win98 version of the program?

Level 2
So I'm cleaning up and came across a 5-CD backup of documents made with the Windows 98 version of BackupExec. I don't know which version--the program CD says "Desktop Edition" and 14-00111-399 and 60-00049-399. It has a big "4" on it as well, but it doesn't say it's version 4.

If I put the first CD into my Windows XP computer (my oldest extant computer), I get a message that I need the program to recover files. But I cannot load BackeupExec onto XP.

When I bought the computer, I bougt Norton Ghost 10, which at the time was what Symantec offered when I asked about a new version of BackupExec.

Ghost cannot read the CDs either, which apparently are formatted for BackupExec. (no files show in Windows Explorer)

Is there any help out there? Is it possible to retrieve files now that only Xp and Vista are my current Windows versions?


Level 6

Desktop Edition used a proprietary tape format that BackupExec for Windows Servers cannot read

this last came up on the forum a couple of years ago, and that person was able to find a copy on one of the Auction Sites, but he still had to setup a Win98 computer to retreive the files

Level 2
Aargh. One would think that software developers would think ahaed a little bit, eh?

I'll just trash what I've lost and look elsewhere for backup software in the future. :(

Thanks so much for your help. At least I know what to keep and what not to try to keep. :)