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add virtual ip address to a service group VCS

Level 6


I already created a service group in the administrative network but I have to add a virtual IP in order to configure a backup network. 

Using Microsoft cluster server is kinda easy because I just added another resource which depends on the virtual IP and it worked normally but using veritas cluster server I don't know how to accomplish

does anyone have ideas?


Level 4

To add a VIP to any ServiceGroup that does not already ask for it, use the IP Resource.   Within the ServiceGroup, add a new Resource of type IP.  Then edit the IP resource group with the SG.  Make it Critical if desired if you want to fail if that VIP is not responding.

Hope that helps.

My customers spend the weekends at home with family, not in the datacenter.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
And if the IP needs to run on a different NIC, you need to add that too. Then link the IP to the NIC


Using MCS I have 4 NICs per node:

2 (administrative network)

2 (backup network) so virtual IP is 192.168.10.x but for a backup network I manually added another resource that is reachable only for clients for backups. This works great. 

But using VCS I´m kind a lost.

Per node I need 4 nic?

How do I have to link this manually added IP adrress?


Thanks for responding.

My Netbackup master server is in one network for administrative purposes but I have some clients in another network. Using MCS was pretty simple because I added manually a resource to the cluster(virtual IP for network2) and I added another NIC to every node and after making some changes in the host file it worked perfectly. Some clients resolve NetBackup using network 1 and some resolve it using network 2. 

Using VCS is another world. I already added 1 extra NIC to both nodes but I´m stuck there.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

See below. You need add a NIC, whether you use 1 or 4 is up to you and your network requirement. If you want add 1, that is fine, if you want to add a team, that is fine too.

Once you've added the NIC, add the IP. Then link the resources in the JAVA GUI or via command line with

hares -link <parent> <child>



I already added the NICS, added the IP address from backup network, checked the resolution in the master server so it can resolve clients in the backup network but I can't bring it up.

this is waht I have so farthis is waht I have so far

Unfortunately, technical support hasn't helped so far.

Looking at your SG diagram, it looks like a possible config issue on "lanman_BackupNetwork".  The "?" usually means VCS cannot probe the resource, often due to incorrect entries in the configuration.


First, right-click on IP_BackupNetwork and see if you can turn it on (plumb the IP).

Do the same for lanman_BackupNetwork.  Take note of the exact time.  If the "?" does'nt clear, look at the logs to see what error message you get near that timestamp.  That might put you in the right direction to debug.

My customers spend the weekends at home with family, not in the datacenter.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


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