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Archived emails remain in pending state after backup

Level 4
I'm having a problem with my archived emails remaining in the pending state even after running a backup of everything.  I'm currently using Backup Exec 12.5 (although I don't have the agent for EV installed) and used it to backup all the EV databases and vault stores for my archive.  The backups run successfully but the emails still remain in the pending state.  I have read one solution where it's possible EV may be in read only mode and it tells me to modify the registry keys for HKLM\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Storage: EnableArchive, EnableExpiry, EnableFileWatch, EnablePSTMigrations, EnableReplayIndex, and EnableCrawler.  Another problem is that I don't see any of these entries under that key.  My vault store is located on a different server than EV.  Any thoughts or suggestions?  Thanks!

Level 5



Can you check if the archive bit is reset after the files in your vault stores are backuped?

This is the check the storage service does to change the state of the archived item.


The registry settings you are mentioning are not there by default. You have to create them yourself.



Level 4

Thanks for your quick reply JB.  The archive bit is not reset after our backups, so that does mean I need to implement the solution for creating the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt?  Here is the solution I'm talking about from Symantec:  This was going to be my next move but I wanted to see if I forgot to address anything else first.  Thanks for your help!

Level 5



This is correct. The IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger will do the trick.


Good luck.


Level 4

I created the registry key that is supposed to generate the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger text file, but I can't seem to find the file.  Where exactly is it located?  From what I've read, it's supposed to be in the root folder of my vault store, but I don't see it there unless it is hidden.  Also, my vault store is located on a different server then EV, does that make a difference?


Thanks for all your help!

Level 4



Setting the registry key simply enables the feature, so EV will now start checking for the files existance.  It doesn't actually create the file.  It is for you to create the file via s script when a backup has been successful which EV will then detect and start the post processing.



Level 6
Partner Accredited

A real quick check / test is to manually remove the archive bit from all of the EV databases including index, vault store, and SQL.  (make sure you get them all or the test will fail)


From a command prompt, at the root level of the database location - issue the following command,


F:\> attrib -a *.* /s


This will remove the "Archive" bit from all of the files recursively, beginning at the root level.  Again, you will have to execute this command at each location of an EV database. 


Good Luck!


Rick Grigg

Level 4
Thanks for your help.  I'm not very experienced in writing scripts, so is it possible I can get an example of this?  I've already enabled the key, but the text file obviously does not exist because the emails are still in the pending state.  Thanks for your assistance.

Level 4

Yes you have not archive bit on your files in the vault stores, when you set it the pending items will be converted into final one's. You may think about to set the vault stores to "immediately after archive" and rethink about your backup structure, then you have a different model with EV. Also works well but different...

