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Can't add mailbox

Level 4
I've deleted a mailbox of an existing user through the Administration Console for troubleshooting purposes. I thought it would automatically be recreated during the next synchronization phase. This isn't the case. Going through the Administrator's Guide showed me a way to Add Mailboxes by using the Tools menu. However, my Administration Console doesn't have a Tools menu! If the user now tries to put something in the archive, the following error shows up in Event Viewer on the Vault server:
An ArchiveMarkedItems request has failed.
Mailbox: /o=.../ou=.../cn=Recipients/cn=...                   <= (replaced company data with "...")
Error: No entry for Vault in Vault Directory  Vault Id:    An attempt was made to read information for a Vault that does not have an entry in the Directory. This may indicate an inconsistency in the Vault Directory   [0xc00418be]
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How can I add the mailbox for the existing user?

Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Have you ran through the disable mbx wizard for them? 

View solution in original post


Level 6
What version of EV are you running?

Level 4
Running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2. Problem originated on EV 6.0 SP3. Upgraded to EV 6.0 SP4 today, problem remains the same.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Win 2003 sp2 is not supported....that is why you are getting the no tools menu in the admin console, there will be a fix for this but in the meantime install ev (admin console only) on a separate machine that does not have win 2003 can install it on your workstation and do all ev admin tasks from there (as long as you log on with an account that has admin access to the ev server).
Also do you mean that you deleted the user's archive from the archives section in the vault admin console? If that is the case, that will not get automatically would have to restore that from backups which is quite arduous. If you no longer want that archive, disable the affected user and re-enable them again and a new archive will get created when you are running through the enable mailbox wizard. Additionally if that user had archived mail in the old archive you will have to delete the shortcuts from the old archive from their mailbox  (use outlook advanced find and do a blanket search across the user's mailbox for ipm.note.enterprisevault.shortcut and it will return all shortcuts which you can delete all at once - again this is only if you do not want to restore the data in that archive)
I do not recommend deleting user archives though as getting them back is not easy.

Message Edited by andra christie on 05-02-200702:18 PM

Message Edited by andra christie on 05-02-200702:22 PM

Level 5
Regarding the Tools menu...What version mmc are you using?, if it's version 3 then that will be you issue. Use MMC version 2 and you'll have a tools menu.
Hope that helps.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
I may have to disagree phil :) ....I downloaded and installed MMC 3.0 on my EV7SP1 lab's EV server and the VAC works properly for me.  The issue I've run into with customers is the Windows 2003 SP2 installation itself, not just mmc 3.
Have you got it to work with win 2003 sp2 and mmc 2?

Level 5
Hi Andra,
You are correct. Thanks for putting me straight and not confusing others on this forum. Sorry for the confusion.

Level 4
Allright, I rolled back Windows Server 2003 SP2 to SP1 and indeed I have my buttons again! Disabling and enabling the mailbox for the user in question was easy, he's again able to archive e-mail (it wasn't a problem that the archive he had before couldn't be restored)
So, this solves my problem. Thanks Andra, I hope Symantec comes up with a fix so the Admin console works correctly under SP2. Further more, might I suggest to build in an alternative way to add, enable, disable mailboxes, just in case the buttons do not work? (in my opinion, buttons are just shortcuts for the actual commands, so an addition of these commands to the right-click-menu would be greatly appreciated)

Level 3
We have a similar problem. We running Version 5 still and someone deleted a users vault on the admin console, when I try chose to enable mailboxes its not on the list of mailboxes that I can enable. Is there anyway to recreate this vault account? 
Regards Brett 

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Have you ran through the disable mbx wizard for them? 

Level 3
Thanks, that worked. Smiley Happy