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Couple of Questions Please

Level 4
1. After archiving an item and the icon has changed to the archive shortcut. Can you add the shortcut.txt message to the archived item after the fact? Basically I ran a test policy with no shortcut then after archiving everything I enabled the customize shortcut option etc etc and the items that were previously archived are not showing the shortcut information.
2. Is it possible to archive individual folder in a mailbox using the evault console instead of having to go through every mailbox in outlook to change the options? Basically if I want to set all my sent items to 30 days and my inbox to 90 days can I do that from the console?
3. Can you specify a date to archive after or is the only option to use days/weeks/months/years?
Thanks for all the help

Level 6
There is a script function names EVPM (Enterprise Vault Policy Manager) that you can use when you want to make granular changes to mailbox folders. Run some searches on EVPM on the support site  and also check the Utilities guide supplied with the CD documentation.
7.5 Utilities
Jim S

Level 6
Question (1) and do not understand (Sorry). Smiley Sad
Question (3) - I do not know of any way to specify archiving from a specific date.
Jim S.

Level 6
I am taking a guess at question (1).
Check out the FSAUTILITY in:
I think this may satisfy the problem.
Jim S.

Level 6
If I undertand question one correctly what you are saying is after an item is archived you want to change the shortcut options on the message stub.  My undertanding is that this cannot be done for 
existing archived items changed under previous settings.  If they are recalled and re-archived this should work I believe.
With regards the next question the previous contributer is correct.  EVPM is the answer, however this is not run from the Evault Console as per the utils guide.
days/weeks/months/years or by Quota are the two options availble.  FSAUtility is for File System archiving only not for mailbox archiving. Event when using File System archiving this utility is not used to specify this information. I believe this is set (in version 7.0 and above) on the FSA Archiving Task. 

Level 4
Great Answers. Thanks to all who replied.