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Diskxtender to EV migration?

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

We currently have an EMC Diskxtender implementation for file system archiving on our windows files servers. It leaves stub files similar to EV. EMC will be EOL that particular product in the near future and we would like to replace it with EV. Has anyone any suggestions on how we can recall the data from the EMC Centera onto the file servers then use EV to rearchive the files back to the Centera?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
As far as i know there is a tool that will do the work for you. It is created by EVtools. The tool is called Archive Shuttle and you can contact 

Contact them regarding the product capability

Level 4
I believe TransVault has a tool for that migration as well, although it might just be for EmailXtender only.  You might want to check with them to verify.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
Thanks for the time to post. I have been in touch with both companies and it is just currently for email archiving and not file.

Any other suggestions out there?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Does EMC not have a way to export all their data out to PST's

Seems silly they have no ability to do that within their product

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
Yes they do with EmailXtender - their email archiving tool but not with diskxtender as it is a file archiving product.

kind regards

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Wow that was silly of them

Is it possible to configure it that if the file is accessed the original file is restored to disk. The configure your backup to not be shortcut aware so when you perform a backup all the files that have shortcuts are restored to disk during the backup

Just grasping at straws but if you don't seem too impressed with the tools mentioned so maybe finding a home grown way might help you

Level 6
I've heard that Procedo do have a DX -> FSA migration tool. Do not know anything about it. You would need to ping them direct for more information.

If you are happy to un-archive from DX and then re-archive with FSA, then DX does provide you with tools to un-archive. They have media tasks and from there you can choose a 'file restore' task, or a 'compact task'. File restore lets be you selective with which files to restore. Compact will restore all files for a piece of media. Check the DX admin guide for more information.

You may find that when the files are restored they still retain the DX extended attribtues (EA's). This is where DX inserts its meta-data. FSA can archive these files OK, but by default it cannot turn these in to placeholders as EA's cannot be added to reparse points (which is what a FSA placeholder is). If you run in to this problem, then post here or ping me a private message. I believe we have some scripts you can use to remove the EA's.


Level 2

Datatrust solutions has a product specifically to migrate files managed by diskxtender.
The software is called onepass for dx and it should do what you need.