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EV and PST Import

Level 3
Utilizing EV while moving to another Exchange server is considered a good idea. Why? Because the amount of data that needs to be transfered is drastically reduced.

Now, I have an organization where I have hundreds of PSTS' 90% of which are at, or very close, to their limit (2GB).

When I try to import these nearly-full PST's PST-Import screams, gives an error, and shuts down.
From what I understand when you import a PST a small amount of data is written to the PST, and by doing that the file limit is reached.

Might you guys know of a solution around this, except for opening them all up, splitting them, and the importing? :)


Ulf Thomas

PS: This is EV 5, SP5

Level 6

grab a few and try compacting them. If you get positive results (i.e. reclaim enuf white space) then invest in a tool to do it from a command line (

If not then, errr... it's the Unicode PST route for you (i.e. Outlook 2003 PST files).

In my experience running an old type PST file anywhere close to 2Gb is asking for trouble. you may have corruption as well as space issues. Run PSTscan.exe on them.


Level 3
Darn... :(

The PST's cannot be compacted any more than they are. Allready tested on a few, and the size barely changed.

In version 6 is there any way around this?

Ulf Thomas

Level 6
OK, lets get clever....

Build a stand alone EV server and Exchange in your test rig.

Import the PSTs using ExMerge.

Archive the buggers.

Export them from EV. The wizard allows you to limit the size of a PST export.

Import them on your live rig.

Not sure how practical that might be. You'd certainly have to watch for IPM message types that aren't imported by default (can be worked around).

It's inventive if nothing else :)

Level 6
Alternatively, find £100 for this: