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EV icons not available in OWA via Front End Exchange 2003 server

Level 4


i have an issue similar to this thread:

however the ev icons are only not showing for mailboxes that reside on a new introduced exchange 2003 backend server when logging in via the internet OWA namespace e.g.

this is an existing EV environment where 1x front end exchange server and 2x backend exchange servers existed.  the 3rd backend exchange server has been added recently and has experienced this issue from the start.

if i log into OWA from the console of the new backend exchange server and connect to a mailbox that resides on that server, then the ev buttons and forms will load correctly eg http://sydexch/exchange

again, it's only when i log into the url that points to the FE server (either connecting from internally or from external of the origanisation) -and- only for mailboxes on this new BE server, that the EV buttons are missing.  OWA for mailboxes on the 2 existing BE servers still work fine.


i've run the evort.exe app and all test come back as passed (including the tests against the new exch server).

i've also gone through the checklist that the JesusWept3 (last post on the above link) posted and all checks out.  ie control files are same for FE servers and BEservers. 


one thing i did note was in regards to running proxycfg on the FE server, only the 2 eprevious BE servers were showing - not the new FE server.  Coudl this be the reason? how do i fix this?


C:\Documents and Settings\bkp>proxycfg
Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Current WinHTTP proxy settings under:
    SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections
      WinHttpSettings :
    Proxy Server(s) :  <local>
    Bypass List     :  Policy;SYDEXC1;MELEXC1
C:\Documents and Settings\bkp>



Accepted Solutions

Level 4

do i need to rerun the OWA extensions script on the FE server again, now that there is a new BE server in the environment?

by doing this, will it add the new BE server to the proxy bypass list? 


[edit] - ok this worked.  i reran the msi and after which, i checked proxycfg on the FE server and now it listed the new BE server.

i can now log into the external OWA url and see the ev buttons for mailboxes on this new BE server



View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Any chance of getting a log generated via the .ini files?
You may want to do logging on a working FE and the non working FE and comparing them

Level 4


are you after the logs kept on the FE 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1' ,when the value for proxydiagnositic is changed to "=2" in the EVFrontEnd.ini file?


ive just tested an OWS log in with an impacted mailbox (tuser), and here's an extract from that log

2012-07-17 00:42:59 POLL /exchange/tuser/Inbox - 443 tuser Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+InfoPath.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727) 207 0 0

please let me know if you're after something else.



Level 4

do i need to rerun the OWA extensions script on the FE server again, now that there is a new BE server in the environment?

by doing this, will it add the new BE server to the proxy bypass list? 


[edit] - ok this worked.  i reran the msi and after which, i checked proxycfg on the FE server and now it listed the new BE server.

i can now log into the external OWA url and see the ev buttons for mailboxes on this new BE server

