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Enterprise Vault 8.0 upgade forms issues

Level 4
We recently upgraded to Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP1. We are now experiencing an issue where users get OLE forms errors in Outlook. The problem tends to arrise when the machine picks up the new 7.5.5-001 forms from the server and is not resolved unless the machine is rebooted. We have around 8000 users on Enterprise vault so a number of these issues are coming in daily.

I performed a search on the Enterprise Vault support site and only get one response that appears to be a dead link

Has anyone else run into this issue before. I don't see a way of fixing this without disabling the push of the new forms from the server. Any ideas? The error we receive is listed below.

"The Custom Form could not be opened.  Outlook will use an Outlook form instead.  An error occurred registering the form in the OLE registry."

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Hi Steven,

Can you confirm that you also upgraded the forms? (as you write 7.5.5-001, whereas I believe it should be 8.0.0. something)

Additionally, verify that when you upgraded the forms, you actually deleted the old ones before uploading the new ones.
Additionaly check in Exchange to see if the replication has been done good and completely (if it needs to be replicated that is.

I had once that a set of users got similar errors, it turned out that the forms never replicated correct to their server

Regards. Gertjan

Level 6
Policy Setting..

Do you have the Deploy Forms Locally policy setting enabled?  Do you have a client trace of the problem happening?

When you say they get an OLE error .. it's not a MetConv error?  Are the languages of the machines English, or non-English?
Working for

Level 4
I am also confused as to why the forms deployed would be 7.5.5-001. The server is set to deploy the forms through policy. We have Org forms installed, but they are 7.0.1.

I believe the 7.5 forms must be installed by the version of the EV client we have. The desktop is running 7.5 client, we saw no need to upgrade the client machines as this is supposed to be backwards compatible.

Level 4

>Do you have the Deploy Forms Locally policy setting enabled?  Do you have a client trace of the problem >happening?

Deploy Forms Locally policy setting is enabled

No trace at this stage, I will try to get one.

>When you say they get an OLE error .. it's not a MetConv error?  Are the languages of the machines English, >or non-English?

Sometimes it says it's an OLE Error, others is just says that outlook cannot open the forms. The reboot always fixes the issue. We do not deploy any other languages, just english.