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Enterprise Vault cant retrieve attachment

Level 3

I have a user that just started to get this error when he tries to access his archived emails from the shortcuts in his mailbox.

"This item was archived by Enterprise Vault on Friday, August 16 2013 11:23:26 AM

There was an error loading this item -- some functionalilty may not be available."

This only happens with emails with attachments and not all the emails are affected but most are. He was able to access them for a while via the shortcut but now he cant. He sat on a few servers that we are planning on taking offline. We exported all emails from them and moved the PST files to our new ev servers. I thought that something did not import correctly. So I re imported his pst files via the import tool from EV. Now there is duplicate emails in his mailbox and it still does not work. I tried importing it into his vault from Outlook (and made sure it work write over duplicates with the imported items) trying to get it to work again. Now he has three shortcuts for each email and two copys of the emails in his vault mailbox. When I double click on an archived email shortcut in his mailbox a box pops up saying "Enterprise vault is retrieving your item. Then has a loading bar and  says Locating the item..." It will stay there for a while an then go away and the email will pop up with with the error


"This item was archived by Enterprise Vault on Friday, August 16 2013 11:23:26 AM

There was an error loading this item -- some functionalilty may not be available."


on the top. I dont see any errors in any event viewer. I am not sure if the Shortcuts are broken and how do I remove the duplicates?


Level 6
Employee Accredited


I have a a question about this part: "We exported all emails from them and moved the PST files to our new ev servers."

You said new EV servers, are they in the same site or did you install a new EV site? It appears that you installed a separate environment with a new storage or you added new storage to the same site? If we are talking about two EV sites, then the EV shortcuts pointing to the old site might not work. Correct me if I am wrong, but please give us more information regarding this part.

Level 3

We moved them from one local site into a corporate site. Trying to consolidate everything. Is there a way that I could try and find where they point to? Also is there anything that I can do to fix it? How can I get rid of all the duplicates that have been create now? I have three shortcuts in his exchange mailbox and two emails in his vault mailbox.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Hi SyRichard,

Which version of EV are you on?
We have a tool that MAY be of use to you but it is via support only so you will need to open a case with us to remove the duplicates unfortunately.

With regards to finding out which EV Server the older shortcuts are pointing to, setup client logging whilst trying to recall a problem item, check the log and you will see the call to the EV server within the log, it names which EV Server/Alias we are trying to access for that item.
Setting up client logging  -

Look for the following line in the client log, or very similar:-

'Downloading: http'

The full line will be something similar to:-
28/04/2013 20:06:54.909[3196][M]: Downloading: http://evsql.ev.local/EnterpriseVault/download.asp?VaultID=18A5257C941B9A84F8A6CA597937F3B611110000e...

In the line above the name of the server is evsql.ev.local.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

So, we are talking about two different EV sites. That means that the data you exported from the old site has a totally new Saveset ID and Site ID in the new EV site. Thus, all the EV shortcuts from the old site in the mailboxes will not work. Now, how can you tell which one belongs to the old site and which one to the new one? You need to look at the shortcut properties; but, this task could be overwhelming and time consuming.  You can educate the users to pull any archived data from Archive Explorer or EV Search or you can remove the duplicated shortcuts from the mailbox and recreate them. This technote might help:

How to remove duplicate shortcuts from a mailbox which were caused by importing data via PST

You need to export the archive again to PST, delete the shortcuts manually from the mailbox, import it back to the archive and select the option: "Yes, create shortcuts within the associated mailboxes".

I hope this helps.