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File Archiving Exception\filter of folders

Level 4
I am running EV 6.0 SP1 on Windows Server 2003. I have my Users directory set for Archiving. We have our users MY Documents on their computers being re-directed to their Users directory on the Server. This has caused a synch problem for a couple of users that had files that were archived in My Documents. It stops the synch with errors upon login or log off of their laptop. I would like to change My Documents to not be Archived under the Users directory. I see that there is a way to set exceptions to certain types of files but can you set exceptions or filters for folders within a directory that is already being archived. Also wouldnt the synching up of those files daily keep them for being archived since our rule is set for files not accessed in a year?

Level 6
Employee Certified
You are right in that there is no way of specifying a 'Folder Name' as an exclusion basis.

However the user's Home Directories sync issues could potentially be caused by due to too many files that have been archived having to be synced to the users local machine (especially if it is a new machine / user profile, thus maxing out the maximum number of files recalls a user is allowed in a 10 second window. You can modify this by playing with the following registry keys on the file server where the placeholder service is running:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService
RecallLimitMaxRecalls = 20
RecallLimitTimeInterval = 10

I would set the RecallLimitMaxRecalls to a much higher value for starters.

This way you should be able to allow users to download loads of files. Might put a bit of strain on your EV server but once they have fully synched that should stop.


Level 6
Employee Certified
Oh, And restart the placeholder service for the changes to be effective :)