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Journaling of Calendar Items

Level 4
I have performed several EV installs and have come across a customer that must archive all of their calendar items.  They want to ensure that ALL calendar items created (whether an invite that includes others or just a reminder for the individual) are captured regardless of whether the user deletes the item later or not.
The solution calls for something like journaling but on calendar items. 
I have performed some preliminary testing on journaling and have discovered that calendar invites that are sent to other mailboxes are journaled correctly to a designated journal mailbox and can then be archived.  However what does not appear to work is when I create an event on my calendar that is not sent to any other users but is just a personal reminder.  A message is sent to the journal mailbox indicating that a calendar event was created but when you open the attachment to the journal message there are NO details whatsoever in the message. 
Additionally, the customer has stated that nightly archiving of calendar events from mailboxes will not suffice since the possiblity of a user creating an event that then deleting it before the archive task runs is not acceptable.
Has anyone come across a requirement like this or have any suggestions?
The environment:
5 backend servers / 1 frontend server
EV 7.0 SP1
All on Win2k3
Mike Berryman