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Lots of messages in Message Queuing ...

Level 5

I'm going to upgrade my EV system and was going through the docs when I found a note that said that any pending messages in Message Queuing should be purged. Well, I have a lot of messages (~25,000) in 8 queues. Is this bad? How can I archive these messages?

I run journaling in addition to archiving. The queue names look like this:

- Ent. Vault journaling service for exchange_system01 j1
- Ent. Vault journaling service for exchange_system04 j1
- Ent. Vault Exchange Journaling Task for exchange_system05 060608194820 J1
- Ent. Vault Exchange Journaling Task for exchnage_system05 060608194820 J2
- Ent. Vault Archiving Service for exchange_system01 A5

I'm afraid to purge them for compliancy reasons.

Any ideas?


Level 6

No, you won't lose data by purging items on msmq if that's what you mean.

What queues have items on them?

Level 6
The J1 and J2 queues are the Journalling queues and the A5 is the system mailbox archive queue - it would be good to have the actual figures for each queue.

The A5 queue is the queue used for scheduled archiving, if this never goes down you could have an issue with your archiving window.

Level 5
Thanks for your help!

The A5 queue had 1 msg in it and the rest messages look like this...

exchange_system01 j1 = 19,641
exchange_system04 j1 = 1714
exchange_system05 060608194820 J1 = 199
exchnage_system05 060608194820 J2 = 69
exchange_system01 A5 = 1

Any help as to what these mean or advice on how to clean these up would bre greatly appreciated.


Level 6

The j1 is storing notifications of items which have been successfully stored and backed up and just need to be removed from the mailbox. You could just purge all those queues(there won't be any data loss) but those 19,000+ items will have to be 'cancelled' and rearchived again which isn't ideal.
Is the number on the j1 queues going down?

Level 5
Great Point Dodo!

I have lots of messages in th "Failed to store" directory that EV creates. It is actually very close to the same amount of messages. I'm going to clean out those folders within the journal account and see if that drops the # of Messages in the Queue.

I'll keep you posted and thank for your help!

Level 6

That would make sense. The items on J1 are either success or failure notifications of items being stored.
So if an item is stored successfully then an operation succeeded request is posted onto j1 and item removed from mbx, if storage service failed to store item then item is moved into failed to store folder so that there is no possibility of EV looping on it forever and ever
So you might want to check your event log for errors from the storage service.