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Mailbox sync problems (0x8004011d)

Level 5
Our EV 6.0 SP1 server no longer seems to be able to syncrhonize mailboxes. It logs 2270 and 3277 events for every mailbox when it tries to sync:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Enterprise Vault
Event Category:Archive Task
Event ID:3277
Time:9:11:19 AM
The MAPI error MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (0x8004011D) has occurred whilst synchronizing the properties of mailbox /o=Collier County Gov./ou=ITDOMAIN/cn=Recipients/cn=ramseym.

The mailbox will not be synchronized until the next scheduled run.

.\AgentExchSynch.cpp (CAgentExchSynch::SynchronizeMailboxEntry) built Nov 17 18:39:08 2005

Anyone ran across this before? Any ideas? We've deleted all the vaultmbx Outlook profiles, mapi files on EV server are fine, reset service account password, etc...

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-Brian Spooner

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You might want to verify the system mailbox ev is using is ok. try opening it on the ev server. Another thing is verify the permission for the VSA on exchange, make sure a GPO has not changed it.

Level 5
Also, the vault service account is NOT a member of Domain Admins and has been granted Exchange Full Administrator rights at the Admin. Group level in Exchange System Manager. I verified that it has send as & receive as rights on the information stores as well.

Level 5
I am able to open the vault system mailbox "vaultmbx" in Outlook from the EV server without any problems.

Level 6
Hey Brian,

It's been a while. Anyway, usually those mapi errors are related to Outlook or the mapi files. I don't remember what version of Outlook was installed on your server. Since SP1 discontinued support for Outlook 2000, do you have Outlook 2003 installed on your EV server?

I'm curious to see what happens if you try to enable a mailbox, if you get errors with that too.

Level 5
Hi Jason,

Yeah, it's been awhile. I just checked and the EV server has Outlook 2003 installed. Version 11.5608.5606. I believe that's the original Outlook 2003 without any service packs. Is it worth upgrading it? Would it support Outlook 2003 SP2? We were just getting ready to upgrade the Exchange Servers to SP2 in the next week or so also.

I DO get an error when trying to enable a mailbox. "An error occured enabling the mailbox. Error: the server is not operational"

What do you think?

Level 6
I would try upgrading to Outlook 2003 SP2 and see if that fixes it. SP2 is supported. Here's the announcement.

Here's what I would try as well. Do a dtrace of the MMC, try to enable the mailbox again and see what error is reported in the trace.

Level 6
Oh one more thing you might want to try is look in SQL in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database and check all your tasks and see what it has listed for your System mailboxes. If they are using the Exchange alias names, try using the SMTP email address of the system mailbox instead. The correct format is

Level 5
I just found out that when I tried enabling the mailbox earlier, we were having a problem with one of the DCs in this site. Apparently Symantec AV Corp. can cause problems on some 2003 servers:

Anyway, after this DC was rebooted, I attempted to enable the mailbox again and it worked. I'm beginning to wonder if that's what is causing problems with the mailbox sync as well. However, I tried a manual sync again and still get the errors.

I'll upgrade Outlook 2003 to SP2 on the EV server as well and see if this helps.

Level 5
Which table would that be in? I checked 'Task' but did not see a reference to a system mailbox.

Level 6
I'm doing this from memory but I think these are the tables.
