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Manual Provisioning/Archiving Slow after applying SP4

Level 3
We have a client who just applied SP4 to their EV server. Since applying SP4, manual processing of new users to the vault is really slow (like up to 45 mins after manually triggering the services). Things are still instantaneous if we force the enable of the mailbox through Tools after manually doing a "Run Now" on the provisioning task. It's only if we do a "Run Now" on the archiving task and wait (no force of enable) that it is showing serious delays. Has anyone else run in to this? Is there a known fix?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

From which service pack did you upgrade from?
First thing you should do is check the SQL Activity Monitor to see if there are any long running processes, any Locking and blocking and what the SQL CPU is doing, as there are are some known issues from upgrading from EV2007/EV8 base or SP1 to any service pack higher where it can cause some infinite loop queries that never finish and cause other SQL Queries to become blocked and the CPU server on the SQL Server to spike.

If this is the case you should open a case with symc support asap where they can provide you with a utility to determine if you are affected and resolve any of the issues that could cause it

Level 3
It was already on SP3 when we went to SP4. I'll check the SQL stuff though--that could be the issue.