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Move Archive failed

Level 3


I am in the process of migrating our exchange archives from our old Enterprise Vault server to a newer one.  Both are running are running EV 9.0.2.  Unfortunately the previous admin installed the wrong OS on the newer vault server so I had to reinstall the OS (downgrade from Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise to Standard).  I then installed EV and relinked it to the EV databases.  Archiving processes worked without a hitch.  Now I am having issues migrating the old archives.  When the archive process runs I get an error message stating there is no access to the vaultstore, archive, or item.  This is the message that comes up in the Event Log on the source EV server:
Processing failed. Enterprise Vault will try again later unless the retry count has been reached.
Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040303): No access to the vaultstore, archive, or item.
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Interop.IArchive3.get_ItemCount()
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.MoveArchiveTask.MAInitialize.GetSourceArchive(IArchive3& srcArchive)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.MoveArchiveTask.MAInitialize.Run(IArchive3& srcarchive)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.MoveArchiveTask.MoveArchiveTaskProcessor.ProcessSubtask(String[] args). 
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I can't figure out what is causing this error.  I am using the same account as before and as far as I can tell all settings are the same.  What can I do to fix this issue?  I would like to migrate all of the archives before upgrading to v10.

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

DCOM errors that you see usually arent bugs, the times you see them is when the services aren't started.

So the way that it works is when you install Enterprise Vault, it registers a bunch of DCOM packages which allow the EV Servers to talk to each other securely over the network,

The DCOM errors that you will typically see is that EVServer1 connects to EVServer2, through something such as Storage Archive, Windows gets the request and then launches StorageArchive.exe and all is great.

But if Enterprise Vault services are stopped, EVServer1 tries to connect and Windows tries to launch the DCOM Package and it fails because the services are stopped, which then throws an error in the system logs (i.e that this item failed to launch etc), that is perfectly normal and other applications that use DCOM would see the same issues as well

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

does Site A's EVAdmin account have PowerAdmin role in SiteB and vice versa?

Level 3

Yes.  It is the same account.  Prior to reinstalling the OS on the new vault server, the Move Archive process worked fine with the same account.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

ok so heres a question, on the destination site, is the archive you are moving to closed or open? what about the vault store partitions? are they also open or closed?

Level 3

Destination site is open as well as the vault store partitions.  It all worked prior to reinstalling the OS on the new vault server with the same account.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

you're probably going to have to create a support case with symc regarding this.
Just as a matter of interest, in the System logs in your event viewer, do you see any DCOM errors?
Also wondering what would happen if on the destination archive you give the full read/write/delete access to the evadmin, something somewhere along the line is denying the rights it currently needs

Level 3

There are some DCOM errors.



The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 
 and APPID 
 to the user DOMAIN\User SID (1234567890) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

The DCOM issue is bug as told by tech support. 

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Say what? DCOM errors arent bugs

Level 5
Partner Accredited

Hi JesusWept2, what's the issue? I was told by tech support and asked me to ignore the errors...we are using 2+1 cluster, everytime failover it will have this error, do you have any solution?

Although I can changed the permission, when the EV service restarted, it will reset back the permission. The symantec consultant told me to ignore also.

Thank you.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

DCOM errors that you see usually arent bugs, the times you see them is when the services aren't started.

So the way that it works is when you install Enterprise Vault, it registers a bunch of DCOM packages which allow the EV Servers to talk to each other securely over the network,

The DCOM errors that you will typically see is that EVServer1 connects to EVServer2, through something such as Storage Archive, Windows gets the request and then launches StorageArchive.exe and all is great.

But if Enterprise Vault services are stopped, EVServer1 tries to connect and Windows tries to launch the DCOM Package and it fails because the services are stopped, which then throws an error in the system logs (i.e that this item failed to launch etc), that is perfectly normal and other applications that use DCOM would see the same issues as well