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Move Journalling Task to new server

Level 4



We are running Enterprise Vault Mailbox option and Journaling on the same server. Due to availability of hardware I want to move Journaling task to new server.

I found in couple of discussion that moving journaling task to new server will not increase performance as new journaling task on new server will use indexes and storage of existing server. 

I want to avoid that. I want to start journaling on new server with new indexes and vault store. I'll keep the old journal archived email on old server. 

Suggest is there any other alternative. I was thinking about the new feature of EV 8.4 “MOVEUSER” will it work for Journaling user?

Let me know if I stop/delete Journaling task on existing server and create new journaling task and use the indexes 


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


To achieve this, you need to set up a new journalarchive.

That way, you can define it's storage and index location. Then have the old task run in report mode for about 10 minutes, and check MSMQ to verify it is empty. Stop the old task, disable it.

Create a new task on the new server, configure it, and run it. Verify it processes the journal mailbox. When ok for about a week, delete the old task from the other server.

Move Archive is an option, but a slow one. Moving a Journal Arcchive is supported, but if you can live with having 2 journal archives on different servers, I would go for that option.

Regards. Gertjan