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Multiple policies...who wins

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hey all,
Let's say you've got a target (the whole exchange org), and multiple polices which can act upon it. Given that you've got this big list of policies (which may conflict), how does EV handle the order? Does it do the default policy first, then go down the list top down...or is it random?
Here's a real world example: no ou targets, multiple policies...the default archives for 30 days, leaves a message body complete in shortcut. Next policy, same 30 days, except it leaves a shortcut with no message body.

Who wins and why?


Level 4
First of all you are only going to have 1 policy being applied to any one mailbox at any specific time. If you create OUs and apply policies that way, you can only select one policy to apply to the OU. Now with that being said, there is a Site Policy that affects everything in the site, but is overriden by any custom policies applied to those mailboxes or OUs.

So two things about your example...First, since you are applying two polices to the mailboxes, only the last one will take affect when archiving runs. In essence every shortcut should only be the header piece. Now depending how your policies are being done, it is possible that one policy is being applied to a certain set of mailboxes and the other policy is being applied to a totally different set of mailboxes. In this case it is possible to have multiple policies, but the policies are being applied to seperate mailboxes and not the same ones.

Second, the difference is that PDA's do not currently support archived messages so, if you want someone who has a PDA to be able to read a message that has been archived, you leave the body of the message complete in the shortcut. If PDAs are not a concern and space on exchange is, then archive everything except the header info.