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Need Help Implementing IExternalFilter

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I need help implementing the IExternalFilter interface.

I am using C# in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. I am creating a custom filter for Enterprise Vault 6.0 SP3.

Below is the code I have written so far, and I'm stuck trying to simply create empty fuctions for the interface.

There are three functions to implement, Initialize, ProcessFilter, and FilteringComplete. All complile correctly except for the ProcessFilter funtion. I believe I don't have the right parameters or return value. I have tried a bazillion companations but can't seem to get it right. In the API reference, it defines the function like this:

HRESULT ProcessFilter(
VARIANT_BOOL *bStopFiltering);

The error message I get when I complile my code is this:

'VSFilter.VSFilter' does not implement interface member 'ExternalFilter.ExternalFilter.ProcessFilter()'

And finally, here is my code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using ExternalFilter;
using ArchivingControl;

namespace VSFilter
public class VSFilter : IExternalFilter
public void Initialize(object o)
// Start Doing Stuff

// This is where my problem is, I'm not declaring this correctly
public void ProcessFilter(ref IArchivingControl archCtrl,
ref Boolean stopFiltering)
// Process Message
public void FilteringComplete()
// Finish Doing Stuff

Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Jeremy Ouellette
Vault Solutions