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New mailbox task reports incorrect permissions. But permissions seems fine!

Level 3
I have Enterprise Vault v6 installed (sp1) and currently have 4 exchange servers running mailbox tasks quite happily. The archiving is fine, and all users on these 4 servers can access their archive mail without any problems.

However, I recently wanted to add a new target Exchange server. I added the server and created the task automatically. The task created, but when I went to synchronize the task, it failed! Stating that it didn't have permission on the target server.

All permissiosn for our Exchange org are set at the top level and have been propogated down. I have checked the dedicvated permissions on the server itself and they are identical to the other servers which are fine. I even checked the advanced security properties, these are identical too! I have restarted all services, even restarted the archive server and waited over a day to try again. Still, the task fails with events 3305, 3301 & 2256 logged in the event viewer.

Any ideas appreciated!Message was edited by:
andrew Clure

Level 4
If the Exchange server is Windows 2003, explicitly add the vault service account to have send-as reply-as rights at the server level in Exchange 2003 System manager (this is in the install and configuration guide PDF file - page 58).

Level 3
Only the archive server itself is Windows 2003. All Exchange back end servers are Windows 2000 & Exchange 2000.

The 4 other Exchange servers which have archiving tasks configured are all fine. It is just the new Exchange target which is the problem. The servers are all in the same Admin group and routing group in Exchange. The archive tasks are all using the enterprise vault service account to log on with.

I'll apply all permissions directly on the server itself, just to make sure!

Level 4
Are you getting any errors in the application log related to the EV not being able to read mailbox quotas for mailboxes on that server?

Level 6
Just to make sure you have the Send As/Receive as rights, you can remove the inherited deny from the Admin group and see if you still have problems. The reg key below will allow you to see the Security tab on your Admin Group.

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. Locate the following key in the registry:
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value Name: ShowSecurityPage
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

Level 3
I came across this same error. It was because I hid the mailbox in the GAL. After removing the check mark to hide the account (and replicating), my tasks were able to start and run successfully.