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Offline vault automatic download?

Level 3
I've been struggling with offline Vault (6.0 SP1). The problem is that I haven't been able to enable offline vault for automatic download without user interaction.

All wizards have been disabled, we don't want any questions to be asked from users, nor any extra menus or buttons should be visible.

It works otherwise well, but Vault client doesn't automatically download messages. It adds them to download list, but that's it.

I enabled the menu option to view Offline Vault options, and it shows: "Download manually". How do I get that option to be in automatic download by default? I haven't found any way to change that from Vault server.

Level 3
Apparently it looks like there is no way to make offline items downloaded automatically, without user interaction. :( At least it has been very, very quiet here...

Level 3
Hello all,
I see that this message is quite old, but wanted to ask about some follow-up.
I am currently using Enterprise Vault 7.0sp2 with Excange 2003.
With respect to the Offline Vault, I also wish to prevent user interaction when using offline vault.  When a message is selected that does not exist in offline vault the user is prompted the following:
" The item is not in your offline vault.  If you want to download it now you must have a network connection.
Do you want to downalod this item now or later? "  and the following options:  <Now> <Later> <Cancel>
Can we prevent this message any how?  I do not see a policy setting for it.  Even if the user just wants to view the archived message item only, this prompt comes up.  Any help is appreciated.
Desired outcome would be that:
A ) the item is automatically downloaded without asking the user
B ) the item is old and never gets downloaded automatically to the offline vault.  Instead the user would need to restore the item to be able to carry it offline.