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Partition Management - What's your method?

Level 4

I'd like to get some ideas from other admins how they are managing their Vault partitions.  I let our first partition grow to a size that is taking days to backup.  Moving forward, I want to keep a managable sized partition.



1.  What's your method of checking the size of the current partition?  The only method I found was getting the properties of the directory in Windows Explorer, but that takes several minutes to read.


2.  Is there a limit to the number of partitions per Vault store?


3.  If you had to move a partition from one volume to another, does the ACL (permissions) matter?


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hello Stu,


Checking size of partitions is (in my case) easy. 1 partition per disk, so I have a perfmon showing free disk space.


As far as I am aware, no limit


I think so, see my previous post. I am having some problems with migration of cab files to 2nd line storgae. I found that VSA did not listed anymore on the securityacl's.


PS. EV8 has automatic roll-over buikt in for partitions. This can be set on several triggers, like size, date, and I believe als % free diskspace. Caveat (i seem to recall ) is that th enew partition has to exist (ie has to be made by admin beforehand.)

Regards. Gertjan

Level 4

1. There are many freeware or monitoring tools to check directory sizes or disk sizes to use for that. Some of them are also with sending automatically emails to admin when the thresold is reached. Try google for that.


2. Yes, but you to made some thousand partitions to get to this limit...


3.  Depends how you move it, with robocopy for example you can copy and move everything with ACL's...





Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

You may want to look into one of the new features of EV8 which is partition rollover. It is exactly what it says on the tin and you can configure your system to automatically rollover when:-


1. The volume reaches a certain % free level

2. The volume reaches a certain GB free level

3. After a certain amount of time

4. On a specific date and time


This means that once this is setup you do not need to worry about disks getting full and archiving stopping.

Level 4

I agree, maybe you should use EV 8.0. This version has all the required vault store and partition enhancements what your search for...


