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Rollback from EV 12.x to 11.0.1

Level 4

Hello VOX Members,

Need your help in framing up a Rollback Plan for Enterprise Vault.

While we are preparing to upgrade our current setup from EV 11.0.1 to EV 12.1.3, we are looking at a rollback plan in case something goes wrong during the upgrade.

The environment consists of 13 EV Servers split between 2 VERITAS Clusters with SFWHA. we will also look at upgrading VCS 6.1 to Infoscale 7.

Any kind of help in this regard will be really appreciated.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hello Dark_Night,

That's an interesting setup..

I'm not familiar with this kind of setup, but a rollback for a generic EV install (no cluster) should be:

Before the upgrade, run all tasks in report mode for a while, verify Storagequeue(s) and MSMQ(s) are 0. When so, disable the site-schedule (or custom ones on the tasks if you use those) set backup mode on indexes and stores, backup SQL. Also backup modified language files, and config files if aplicable.

Make sure the SQL databases of EV11.01 is usable (can be restored)

2 - If you need to roll back:

Uninstall EV 12.x, Install EV11.0.1 (with whatever CHF you have applied). Restore the databases of EV11.01. start Admin and Directory service. Verify these connect and run properly. Start the other services, verify correct starting.

Data and indexes are not upgraded, so that should not require a backup.

I cannot advise on when this is in a cluster, as I have never done that.

Regards. Gertjan

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi there,

To add, what we normally do in similar situations is to clone the cluster disks and present them to the new setup as we do the migration. This way is very easy to roll back. However, this is not always easy and it depends on how much data you currently have in EV and if you have enough storage available.
