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SQL Database Dealocks

Level 3
Hi all

Currently Running EV 5 SP 5 on Server 2003. After Running a archive I receive errors stating that there is a SQL Deadlock occurring in the database. I have tried testing the system (in a lab environment) by running a scheduled run and then a "Run Now" archive but I am not getting the error from that. Has anyone received this sort of error before and if so how did they resolve the issue?


Robert Ramos

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
If you run in report mode do you get any progress in archiving...or any consistent roadblocks

Level 3
We get deadlocks every once and a while as well. By any chance are you doing any SQL replication? We thought this may have something to do with it or at least causing more deadlocks. We are trying replication even though I am not sure it is supported for EV databases. For sure do not do replication on the Compliance or Discovery DBs. I have had problems with Compliance and Discovery upgrades if their DBs are setup for SQL replication.

Unfortunately, I don't have a great answer. This link helps describe deadlocks it is possible that it is the application.