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Searching Voice Mail and Image Attachments

Level 4

Here is an interesting question: how can we apply a different retention period to E-mails that contain WAV files or image files? The only option I can think of is to create a folder where these are stored and then apply the retention period accordingly.

Is there another way? Can EV apply retention periods if an E-mail has attachments of a certain file type?

Also, I assume DA has no way of searching WAV files or Image files (OCR). So, how are you conducting discovery searches against these?

Level 6
You're correct in assuming that in ev6.0 that if you want to create a sep retention for a "type" of file, that you need to create a sep folder and apply evpm perms to that. In ev7.0 you can use the orchesetria modules to filter content and auto assign a retention cat to the item. If you've got ev6.0 and DA, the only way to figure out what's in an image or wav file is to actually listen to the darn thing. Sucks, I know.


Level 4
"In ev7.0 you can use the orchesetria modules to filter content and auto assign a retention cat to the item."

That caught my eye! I have not seen EV7 yet... is this part of the Release or is it an add-on/extra payment? Does it filter content by format (.wav, .jpg, etc) or can I do that by text-based/word searches? Auto-assign a category... if I wanted to get into this filtering, what if the mail is already archived?

Sorry to have so many questions but this sounds like it might be just what we need and I have not gotten a chance to read the EV7 documentation yet...


Level 6

It is an add-on for V7.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Actually in 6.0 you can apply retentions to file types. You can use a custom filter on the mailbox or journal. Check out the admin guide that is supplied with the software and read the custom filter section. But beware, if you are a large org, it will impact the performance of your EV server

On your second question, ur assumption is correct. Right now there is no way to find out what is actually in the file. Just by file name.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Hi Amanda,

Yes EV 7.0 GA'd on the 15th. As for the content filtering module, that is an add on, there are actually a couple of them.

As for information on them, was just checking the site and cant find any docs that have been released regarding the ACE. But you can read up on EV 7