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Storage Service failed: no automatic restart

Level 3
Hi all,
On a windows 2003 server with SP 1 i want to archive two filesservers. I can add them to my targeting list. But when we want to to read the properties the fileservers reset themselves to status unknown.
Here is the error
Event Number6655
SeverityCritical Error
Application or serviceStorage
Typical message
%1 (%2) - Process failed PID: %3 Exit Code: %4 The process has failed abnormally and will not be restarted. Either the process has exceeded its restart count or automatic restart is disabled. The process can be restarted by stopping and restarting the Storage Service
For example:
Storage Archive Server (6) - Process failed
PID: 0
Exit Code: Unspecified error

The process has failed abnormally and will not be restarted. Either the process has exceeded its restart count or automatic restart is disabled. The process can be restarted by stopping and restarting the Storage Service

Of course i have changed the regkeys as stated in veritas kb:278366. This helps untill you rightklik properties.

Now i have seen this behavior also in combination with wmi error id 47 which gives a net start / stop failure

WMI ADAP was unable to retrieve data from the PerfLib subkey: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssindex\Performance\Library, error code: 0x80041009

Anyone experienced this behavior before?
On the same machine runs an instance of backup exec and MSDE, also SQL is on the same machine.

Peter Rus
senior archiving specialist

Level 6
I was going to ask if you set the disableloopbackcheck reg key but you stated that you did, so I'll have to ask a silly question. Is the VSA a local admin of the file servers that you are trying to archive?

Level 4
and my silly question would be ..... is the FSA placeholder service running under an account with local admin on the File servers?

The perflib error can be ignored. At some point WMI has written a performance counter value to the registry and it has since disappeared/been altered (maybe by a windows update even!) If the error bothers you remove the key it is referring to ;)

Level 3
As there are no silly questions but a lot of answers .
One of the answers can be read can be read in the following exerpt

Unable to access the properties of File Server archiving target after upgrading to Windows Server 2003 SP1
After upgrading an Enterprise Vault server to Windows Server 2003 SP1, it may not have been possible to view the properties of a file server in the Vault Administration Console, and the event log may have contained messages with event id 40974 ("Unable to access the Directory Service").
This problem has now been fixed.

Level 3
what happend now is that once you open mmc and you right klick properties in the fsa it matters if you do this in the right or left pane!
when you do this in the left pane you can add and manage shares for archiving purposes.
But when you right klick in the left pane it gives you status unknown..
So the sp1 did solve the problem...partialy.

Level 3
Also a check with Dtrace didnt bring up the results that are needed to solve this issue.