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Stub size

Level 4

Does the stub size vary or its same for all emails ie KB thanks


also the mails have been archved to the vault but the deletion of stub has not happened for dates 1/4/2007 , even though our policy is set to delete stubs after 1 year pls advise


Thanks in advance



Level 4

Email stub sizes can vary dependant on the policy settings

So say you have it set to curb to 500 characters and leave links for the attachments


a 10 word email with no attachment would be a smaller size than say a an email that gets cut at 500 charachters and has 10 attachments that we create URL links for.


though in that respect you should have a lot of space saving due to the fact that all those attachments won't be present and you'll cut down from a few mb to a few kb, most emails though hover around the 5k-8k mark with the banner, several hundred chars and links to the URLs


Also for the shortcuts to be deleted you have to run storage expiry on the site settings

Level 5
Partner Accredited



Storge Expiry is not responsible for deleting Shortcuts from mailboxes.


You need to look at the Mailbox Archiving Task under the Shortcut Deletion Tab.