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Using UNC path for indexes in different domain

Level 5
Partner Accredited


We have a situation where the client wants to use NAS for indexes. 

The problem is, the NAS device is in domain1 whileEV is in domain2 and there is no trust. 

They created a share in domain2 and mapped a drive on the EV server using an account from domain2. When I try to add the index location, EV does not see the mapped dirve and using the UNC path I get access denied.

I have been arguing that the evsvc account needs to be permissioned to that share for this to work, but customer is asking why this is not working, since they can browse to the index location from the EV server.

Is there a way to get EV to see to the index locations using the mapped drive?





Accepted Solutions

Level 5
Partner Accredited

Thank you both for the swift replies.  I got them to use iSCSI and bypass network authentication.

View solution in original post


Level 6

Domain trust is required and its recomended to have the indexes on local volume for better performance .

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

The only thing you could (try) to do is creating the same user on the other domain/locally on the NAS with the same password, and then try to fiddle with the database.

However this is definitely not supported, and as RahulG states you need a domain trust, and for performance reasons a local drive is recommended.

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6

Whilst the folder is mapped using another account and therefore is visible to Windows, the folder isn't directly accessible as the Vault Service Account, so any direct read/write operations carried out by the VSA will fail as the account doesn't have direct and explicit permissions to do anything with the mapped folder. Basically Windows operations work as Windows works in the context of the account that the drive was mapped with but EV is not able to do that as it will try to carry out direct operations instead of using another account's security context

Level 5
Partner Accredited

Thank you both for the swift replies.  I got them to use iSCSI and bypass network authentication.