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Dedicated to helping customers conserve energy at Veritas Technologies

Level 1

SAVEpostergraphics.jpgIn a report requested as part of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) wrote nations will need to take “unprecedented” actions to cut their carbon emissions over the next decade to get climate change under control.

As we drive the future of our customers’ businesses and ours, Veritas remains dedicated to preserving the future of – and our impact on – our communities and people, and the environment. We are signatories to Business Backs Low-Carbon USAthe United Nations Global Compact , the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Business Backs Low-Carbon USA, a statement of support for the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and policies that accelerate a low-carbon future.

Committed to offering products and services worldwide that help customers conserve resources, we are Energy Star partners, producing appliances that meet the energy conservation standards of the organization. One hundred per cent of our hardware products are Energy Star Certified, and we have a process in place to qualify our new server and storage products to the Energy Star program criteria.


Energy Star certified computer servers use, on average, approximately 30% less energy than standard servers when power management is enabled. If all computer servers sold in the United States were Energy Star certified, the cost savings would grow to over $1 billion each year and more than 18 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions of over 1.7 million vehicles.

A direct way to save energy in a data center is to reduce the hardware footprint. To get an idea of the possible energy savings, Veritas did a calculation on consolidating six NetBackup 5230 Appliances, each with 112 TB of storage on a single Flex appliance. Here is what our team discovered.

And in the month of October 2018 Veritas is promoting Energy Star Day 2018, on Tuesday, October 23rd, with our employee resource group, Veritas SAVE—Sustainability at Veritas Empowered. SAVE is a grassroots employee-led program at 12 Veritas sites worldwide. Each team supports local initiatives to increase environmental awareness and engagement among Veritas staff, including:

  • SAVE Singapore joined the Plastic-Free July initiative — a global movement that was started in Western Australia in 2011 and now encompasses more than 150 countries worldwide.
  • SAVE Seoul placed a container in their canteen space filled with reusable mugs and bags to encourage fellow employees to opt-out from disposable cups and bags.
  • SAVE Roseville held its first annual Step Challenge with impressive results. Among the 63 participating Roseville employees, a total of 30,983,618 steps were taken during the 49 days of the challenge.
  • SAVE Heathrow participated in a local cleanup, called "Keeping Sanford Sparkling, to clean up and maintain the amazing city of Sanford, Florida.
  • SAVE Madrid replaced paper cups for ceramic reusable mugs and removed coffee capsules machine for coffee machine with grinder.

We encourage every employee to be active participants in our sustainability journey and to join us in our efforts to promote a low carbon future. Being good stewards of the environment is something in which members of #TeamVtas take pride!